University Success

Connecting Higher Education to Career Success

Funding is available for U.S. organizations creating student pathways from college to in-demand jobs.

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Education unlocks economic opportunity, helping students turn their hard-earned degrees into quality employment. By developing professional skills, gaining experience, and building networks while in school, students position themselves to meet employer needs and succeed as they begin their careers.

We are looking to fund partners who align with our goal of creating opportunities for students while addressing workforce needs.

About the Funding Opportunity

Creating student pathways from college to in-demand jobs requires collaboration. Our funding can be used to pilot new programming, bring proven approaches to scale, or develop the partnerships that make this work possible.

Nonprofits and for-profit organizations in the United States working to support community college and/or university students are encouraged to apply.

Scholarship programs are not eligible for this funding opportunity.

Qualification Criteria

Serve traditional-aged students ages 18-25

Grant activities should not start before April 2025

Focus on industry-aligned credentials with two-year or four-year degree or job placement after graduation

Ability to report on direct student outcomes


We are no longer accepting applications for this opportunity.




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