We collaborate with organizations dedicated to unlocking human opportunity. Our funding advances projects making an impact in education, health, and family economic stability.
Enabling the launch of additional Jewish after-school programs across the U.S.
Enabling risk stratification for pregnant Medicaid patients with the goal of reducing severe obstetric complications in the Dallas metropolitan area.
Enhancing and expanding on services provided for residents in newly established affordable housing communities.
Leveraging technology and tiered advising to improve the student experience.
Strengthening the digital learning infrastructure at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with the development and scaling of a virtual course-sharing platform.
Expanding services to include play therapy, psychiatric care, medication management, and psychological testing, for children and adolescents in Texas.
Supporting the Central Texas community by providing trauma-informed crisis intervention services.
Supporting fundraising professionals with education and training to advance their development and skills to build stronger support for nonprofits.
Improving the effectiveness of nonprofits by exploring, planning, and implementing sustained collaboration efforts.
Implementing the Data Driven Districts dashboard in South Africa to ensure data-driven decision-making at all levels of education management, with the goal of improving learner outcomes.
Providing financial relief to ~200 families of reservists who were heavily affected by long military service during 2023-2024.
Developing an enhanced data-driven rostering solution to enhance edtech tools for educators.
Expanding the OneData offering to help districts use and manage assessment data to directly serve their students.
Driving access to affordable pediatric post-acute care through a managed service organization, better serving critically ill children and their families.
Providing youth with access to a structured job-readiness program to empower youth and unlock sustainable livelihoods.
Amplify the impact of local nonprofits by equipping them with resources, training, and strategic support.
Improving chronic absenteeism rates for Kentucky students through data-informed, research-based interventions.
Piloting efforts to bolster and streamline the career pipeline leading to quality jobs.
Supporting micro-entrepreneurs in the recycling value chain to generate new jobs and sustainable livelihoods.
Providing ongoing mental health support to build resilience and strengthen families.
Providing camp tuition assistance to 720 Jewish families attending camp in the U.S.
Providing financial support to 421 Jewish families attending Camp Ramah.
Providing persistence and completion support services to eligible UT Austin Pell students who enrolled during the 2024-2025 academic year.
Identifying and testing the most effective, affordable, and scalable edtech products in South Africa’s no-fee public schools to improve literacy and numeracy learning outcomes.
Enhancing community mental health by developing centers that provide trauma-focused therapy and support services, addressing the urgent needs of children and families impacted by recent events.
Equipping underserved youth with advanced STEM skills and leadership training to prepare them for higher education, military service, and future careers, fostering resilience and long-term success.
Supporting the growth and expansion of a jobs-first higher education model in health care and technology.
Expanding literacy tutoring to three additional school districts in Central Texas to improve student outcomes.
Empowering students through comprehensive career readiness training and paid internships, aiming to secure quality jobs and improved long-term career prospects.
Creating a post-secondary program for graduates in Central Texas.
Working at eight Texas community colleges to greatly increase the number of first-generation college students who receive a credential of value in high-demand, high-paying areas of study that will ultimately lead to obtaining a first job that pays greater than living wage.
Creating resources designed to support mental health and emotional well-being and drive college persistence for students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).
Engaging 4,400 students across U.S. college campuses with the Israeli start-up sector.
Expanding an evidence-based structured teaching program in the Western Cape of South Africa to improve foundational literacy and numeracy.
Exploring and understanding the Central Texas Jewish community’s needs, challenges, and opportunities.
Equipping Jewish young adults ages 15-25 with the knowledge, community, and connection to flourish into committed Jewish leaders.
Strengthening the 2-Gen Coalition for Economic Advancement and the Greater Austin Reading Coalition by scaling existing efforts, incubating new pilot projects, and evaluating their collective impact.
Scaling ConnectATX efforts to deploy social service navigation and engagement services, providing intensive care coordination to individuals and families with complex situations and training and technical support to referral partner organizations.
Providing skills training and placement support in the South African beauty industry to women who are underrepresented.
Launching a pilot program training 200 low-income, non-degreed adults for semiconductor technician careers in Central Texas.
Providing therapeutic and behavioral support for children receiving care at the residential treatment center.
Building connection among young Jewish adults through Shabbat dinners.
Scaling the program team to support the growth in the 12-year model and whole school pipelines.
Piloting innovative, meaningful, and joyous programs engaging young Jewish adults in building their Jewish identity.
Providing high-quality programs and services that focus on prevention, intervention, and support for children, teens, adults, and families experiencing abuse and violence.
Providing loans with financial incentives to Low-Cost Private Schools to substantially improve learning outcomes.
Supporting 53,000 students to achieve high quality gains in literacy proficiency.
Enabling local and education service agencies to access near real-time student data, including attendance, behavior, course grades, and assessments, in a comprehensive chronic absenteeism – Root Cause Analysis (RCA) dashboard
which can be used to implement continuous improvement policies at the staff and student level.
Tutoring 12,500 students to achieve high quality gains in literacy proficiency over two years.
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